Established in 2021 by a dedicated team of anesthetists, our vision has always been to set new standards in anesthesia care and patient safety.

When we first embarked on this journey, our goal was simple - to provide the most skilled anesthesia service throughout Texas. As we continue to grow and evolve, we are deeply grateful for the trust you place in us. This trust fuels our passion for excellence. Let us be your dedicated partner in health.


Our mission is to transform the surgical experience.

We strive not only to provide pain-free procedures but also to leave a lasting impression on our patients. This dedication starts a week before surgery when we proactively reach out to patients to discuss their procedure, address any concerns, and ensure they feel confident and supported throughout their entire journey.


  • Scott Reed

    CRNA, MSN managing partner

  • Robert Browning

    CRNA, MSN managing partner

  • Philip Shirley

    CRNA, DNP managing partner